Life Lessons

"Figuring out our gifts in life is part of our journey to becoming enlightened human beings.” – Allison DuBois

Wednesday, June 5, 2024

I Say is That You Winston?

 SONG -  London Town by Paul McCartney

Day 35 - Mon. Jun 3

Our last full day in England as we head home tomorrow afternoon. We finally made it to Westminster Abbey today and it is spectacular!  We had taken a tour in 2017 so we knew some of what we were seeing. Mr. B did get headphones and I was armed with my camera. The last time we were here they didn’t allow photos inside the abbey but this time it was okay - just no videos or selfie-sticks.  

We took the tube back home to relax and then we were off to do some shopping.  Afterwards I decided that we needed a little tipple so we walked to The Gore Hotel to have drinks with The Rolling Stones….kind of!

It was where they held a release party for their album Beggars Banquet

Then a final dinner at our Spanish tapas place just across the street from our hotel. The night air was perfect!

So much to see & do in London! Oh but we mustn’t forget Winston for whom this entire post was named. 

Big Winston & Little Churchill Pozer

Night London.  I will miss you!


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