Life Lessons

"Figuring out our gifts in life is part of our journey to becoming enlightened human beings.” – Allison DuBois

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Gobble Gobble....

Our son Tyler used to recite this poem to our family every Thanksgiving.

What a wonderful memory because he was so cute in second grade and because it was exactly how we all felt after our big meal.  

Happy Thanksgiving one and all. Hope you are enjoying time spent with your family and friends!

Ate Too Much Turkey
By Jack Prelutsky

I ate too much turkey,
I ate too much corn,
I ate too much pudding and pie,
I'm stuffed up with muffins
and much too much stuffin',
I'm probably going to die.
I piled up my plate
and I ate and I ate,
but I wish I had known when to stop,
for I'm so crammed with yams,
sauces, gravies, and jams
that my buttons are starting to pop.
I'm full of tomatoes
and french fried potatoes,
my stomach is swollen and sore,
but there's still some dessert,
so I guess it won't hurt
if I eat just a little bit more.

Monday, November 21, 2011

Giving Thanks

Picking Autumn leaves for the table
Mr. B and I are having Thanksgiving at our home on Thursday and we are just gearing up for the holiday. 

Today I set the table (always my favorite job) and borrowed my mom's china that goes beautifully with a Thanksgiving table.  Tomorrow I will clean (my least favorite) but I am so excited to have so many friends and family here!

Polishing the Silver which is so rewarding!

I am working at the gallery on Wednesday so that is why I am preparing a little early.

Arranging candles

This year we decided to have "the next generation" bring a pot luck dish, instead of my husband, mom, sister-in-law and myself doing most of the work.  The "kids" are in their 20 - 30's and it makes me feel really old to be passing the torch but I think it's an important step.  Everyone has been so generous in offering to prepare something special. 

My oldest son and his girlfriend Ashley are bringing "the all important Sweet Potato Casserole".  Tyler, our youngest son is set to make Cranberry Sauce from fresh cranberries!  Jon works at a diner in San Luis Obispo so I am sure he will whip something yummy for all of us!

My nieces, Katie and Kayla will bring appetizers while April & Sean are bringing a yummy Cranberry Rice dish!  My nephew Paul, who does not cook much, was more than happy to offer to bring some drinks.  That's a big help!  My brother Tim, who also does not cook (but creates a "mean BBQ") offered to create something special as well. Mmmmm....wonder what he might whip up?   **Special note to Tim - "No leaning on Donna for this one buddy"!!!

Meanwhile, Mr. B, my sister-in-law, Donna (who always brings incredible, tasty, homemade, over-the-top goodies), my mom and myself will fill in the few gaps!  Can't wait to see and taste all of the treasures brought here on Thursday.  I am so thankful that everyone can be together.

Picking flowers for Thanksgiving

“Thanksgiving dinners take eighteen hours to prepare.  They are consumed in twelve minutes.  Half-times take twelve minutes.  This is not coincidence.”  ~Erma Bombeck

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