Life Lessons

"Figuring out our gifts in life is part of our journey to becoming enlightened human beings.” – Allison DuBois

Tuesday, December 15, 2015

Crazy in California

Song - Crazy by Patsy Cline

Twelve of One Hundred Faces

So in November, I came up with this brilliant plan to get me into my studio and painting every day.  I decided that I would paint 100 faces on 6 x 6" panels. There is no time limit on this, I just pull out a reference photo whenever I don't have a larger canvas to paint. I got photo's from several sources.  One was my personal photos and those of my family.  The other two are online sources - and (Paint-My-Photo).  They are both free services for artists to use as reference and I highly recommend you check them out!

So without thinking that Thanksgiving and Christmas would soon be here, I began my new project. I fell in love with these faces with character.  Then I got 6 Christmas commissions so I have had to put a few things (like blogging) on hold to get them done in time.

If you would like to watch the progress of my "Faces with Character" please go to...

"Life isn't just the front page---it's the comics, too."-  Jim Althoff
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