Life Lessons

"Figuring out our gifts in life is part of our journey to becoming enlightened human beings.” – Allison DuBois

Thursday, April 23, 2015

Light and Grace

Song - Musica Zen

"Your spiritual journey is
 whatever light and grace
 you bring to 
whatever you do." 

- Elizabeth Gilbert

Wednesday, April 22, 2015


Song - Hold Me Tight by The Beatles

I was just going though my photo's this morning to find something juicy to paint and I came across this photo of Mr. B and myself from 1978.  It was taken by my good friend Gwen on her front porch in Portland. Mr. B and I were taking a "road trip" in his sweet little blue Alfa Romeo.

"You can't control everything.  Your hair was put on your head to remind you of that!" -  Someecards

Monday, April 20, 2015

Wild Goose Chase

Song - Little White Duck by Burl Ives

You have probably heard me complain about the Canadian Geese overpopulation in our neighborhood. They fly overhead and "honk", they land on our roof and in our pool, they are noisy and at times messy.

They even follow me to Lake Tahoe!

 But I have to tell you that they also bring me a lot of joy

Some years they nest right under our deck, near the creek.

Some evenings at sunset they fly overhead in a large flock and are beautiful to watch.

Did you know that they mate for life?

And that they were nearly extinct in the 1950's?

This afternoon my son, Tyler called for me to watch the two geese in the top photo, down in our little creek. They seemed to be enjoying the waterfall and the warm sunshine.

After a few minutes, these six little goslings came out from behind a bush.

And floated away with mom & dad........

Who were keeping a watchful eye on Tyler and me!

(Did you happen to see the horse head shadow on the floor of the creek? I have been teaching them to do shadow puppets all year now and it finally paid off!!!)

"If you feel the urge, go on a wild goose chase.  What do you think wild geese are for anyway?"  --Will Rogers

Sunday, April 19, 2015

Imperfect Beauty

Song - Nobody Knows Me by Lyle Lovett

"Adopt the pace of nature;
her secret is patience.
Sometimes you don't need
the things you "need"
to enjoy the simple
things, quiet times, 
friends, family."

--Amish Proveb
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