Video - The Squirrel, the Physicist and the Bird Feeder by Claude Lyneis
Zipper the squirrel just chillin'
So Friday is day number 60 of shelter in place!
And I am wondering how you and your families are doing?
If you are anything like me, there are good days and not so good days.
Some days I get a lot done around the house and in the garden.
Other days I want to sit and read.
Some days I find an interesting recipe, order the ingredients and cook to my hearts delight while listening to fun music.
Other days nothing sounds appealing....
But I do think I am adjusting and each day gets better and better. I also feel like the warmer weather has helped. And seeing my garden bloom!
Hang in there and Zipper!
**I hope you watch the video at the top of my post. A woman I have painted with for many years -
Joanne Taeuffer has a neighbor in Berkeley and he is the one who filmed this hilarious video! Just see who has the last laugh Shirley the squirrel or Claude the physicist?
"Take life one SIP at a time"
-- Jeanette