Life Lessons

"Figuring out our gifts in life is part of our journey to becoming enlightened human beings.” – Allison DuBois

Wednesday, April 17, 2013

My Garden Would Like to Say "Hello"

Song - Give Me Love by George Harrison

Just in the last week my garden has exploded in blooms.

Especially the Bearded Iris and Roses.....oh my!

I take daily walks around my yard in the morning & evening.

It is so relaxing.

Especially the shade garden which is full of Dogwood, Columbine, Violets, Hostas, Primrose, Impatients,  Hydrangea & Lily of the Valley.

I can feel myself relaxing as I stroll through my flowers, checking on how they are doing.

I like to dead head or pick a bouquet for the dinner table.  I check to see if everyone is being watered & happy.  I check for deer damage &  gophers/moles.  Ugg. But it goes along with having a garden.

I hope you enjoyed your stroll through my garden.

Please come again.
My flowers and I wish you a happy Thursday!

"In our moments of most intense joy, we realize how vulnerable we are."  -  Brene Brown
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