Watched Bumgarner pitch...
.....and Schierholtz hit.....
....and the hot dogs run!
Giants & Brewers tied 1 to 1......
And oh yeah, most important.....The Polish won!
However, before going to the game we had Brunch at AZ88 along the Scottsdale park. There was an art fair & concert going on so it was fun to people watch and there was some great music going on.
Are you ready for this?
I ordered a Summer Solstice Martini......incredible, absolutely my new most favorite drink! Also, did you see the dinky little Diet Cokes served here? Although I have to say that they keep them coming!!!
... On The Summer Solstice ...
"Whatever is dreamed on this night, will come to pass."
William Shakespeare - Acknowledging the Magic of This Time
A Mid-Summernight's Dream