Life Lessons

"Figuring out our gifts in life is part of our journey to becoming enlightened human beings.” – Allison DuBois

Sunday, May 24, 2020

Three Mini's

Song - Outlander - The Skye Boat Song by Bear McCreary

In the last few weeks I have taken three mini vacations all while SIP at home.  The first one was ordering Sam Heughan's The Sassenach Whiskey.  Mr. B and I enjoy him on the Outlander series.  It took several months to arrive and I will pop it one evening soon while watching Outlander reruns as we are in Droughtlander right now - meaning the lack of a new show until next year.

I mean just look at this man - who wouldn't want a wee dram with him - in a kilt - of course!

My second mini-vacay was ordering bread from Poilâne a bakery in Paris.....yes really Paris, France. OK here is the deal.....I was tired of our local artisan bread drying out each day and I had heard that in France they use linen bags to let some air in but not too much.  I started looking on Amazon but they all had corny labels on them so I thought of  Poilâne.

It's an amazing bakery that bakes mostly bread and is located at 
8 Rue du Cherche-Midi in the heart of Paris.  

I went to their website - HERE. 

I placed an order for the linen bread bag and noticed that there was a 30 euro charge for shipping. It seemed a little steep but when I realized all of the money that I was saving Mr. B by not traveling to France this year, it seemed like a great deal! I threw in a few more items in my cart and noticed that the shipping cost stayed the same.  I ordered some shortbread cookie spoons for my mom to dip in her morning coffee and a loaf of Walnut Bread.  I received a text the next morning that they were just taking my bread out of the oven and getting it ready for shipping and that I would receive it by 10:30 the next morning!

Ding-dong......right on time!

It even came with a handwritten card thanking me for my order.

I had a little bit of Brie on hand and Mr. B and I had a delicious breakfast! I put on French music and danced around the kitchen with joy in my heart!!!

Then little Henry arrived and he munched on a piece of bread too as did his daddy.  I sent Andy home with a slice for Ashley too!

PS - The linen bread bag doesn't work....maybe I shouldn't have left my SF Sourdough bread in it for 4 days????

My next adventure was a little more local -- Santa Fe!  Several years ago I went to a Painting Workshop there given by the artist Carol Marine. It was held at a convent and the food was catered locally and was amazing.  One of the things I loved most was their granola that they served with breakfast. We have ordered it through the years but I had forgotten about it until last week.  So I jumped on their website - Santa Fe Granola Company - and ordered us two bags.  Mmmmm.....

So what little surprises have you been enjoying during SIP?  

We all need to break it up a little and have some fun!

"Quarantine has me realizing why my dog 
gets so excited about something moving outside 
and going for walks and car rides.  
I just barked at a squirrel." 


  1. Walnut bread, really! I'll order some today. But I bet they don't have my favorite tartes aux pommes. I've ordered lots of books and audio books that I would have borrowed from the library, but like you, I can do a lot with that $3,000+ refund we got from our Kauai condo.

  2. See how much money we are saving Taya!!!


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