Junie-Maroonie - my niece |
Last evening I got a text from my friend "J". While we don't get together too often, when we do, it just feels like "home". Neither of us are very "high tech" people but we can email and text and....oh yeah, sometimes blog!
Our text last night began over concerns about a mutual friend of ours who is in the hospital. The evening ended in laughter and tears. I'll tell you, there is nothing like a good ol' belly laugh to relax your body and remind you that you need to laugh.......and often!
Our waiter in Avignon (must of been my pronunciation of Diet Coke please!) |
Here goes - typo's and all....
ME - Jill is doing great. I walked here up & down the hallway today!!
J - Great. U walked the hallway or she did?
ME - Sorry. I walked with her (Jill). Up and down the hallway!
ME - Actually I probably needed the workout more than her!!!
J - Ok that makes more sense. I thought u were proud of yourself for the walk!
ME - I am! ! !
ME - Thanks for the rose & dogwood info too!
J - Btw. What's next on the schedule? Nantucket, France ???
ME - I had to cancel my trip to France in June as Jon is graduating from Cal Poly on June 10th.
ME - When can the three of us get together?
J - January? Maybe for a couple days-we can take over the apartment and plan our next trip.
J - Sh******, I need to buy and puck up my painting b4 Xmas.
Me - Okey dokey. Let's book it!
J - Pick
J - Why r u so fast at this? New phone?
J - U home for the holidays?
J - Forget what I just said "slow poke"!
ME - Yes. We will be home. And I will mail or
J - Or what?
ME - OK I was just trying to compose my message girlfriend!
J - Lol
Me - Is hubby helping you QuickDraw ?
J - What's that
Me - Or what is that I will bring it to PA.
J - Okely dokely
J - Let's check in next week
Me - Quick Draw mcGraw was a TV show. And FYI I'm crying now because you crack me up!
J - R u drunk
J - Now that makes me laugh.
J - Are u skinny, medium, or fat?
J - I'm door #3 - fat.
Me - I just read our text to Jim and he is crying now too. Good going!
Me - Me too...what will we do. You are not Fat. Just beautiful.
Me. Next week. Painting delivered. Lunch?
J - What will we do? Talk about our plan when I c u.
Me - I mean diet lunch?
J - Next week is BAD. What about the following week
Me - Okey dokey.
J - Perfect. Hi to Jimmy baby
Crystal clear.....right?
You know how when you are texting and the person responds faster than you can answer. That's what was going on and we never really got in sync.
I think we will hook up eventually.
Maybe in Nantucket or possibly France......
Tyler at the Boadwalk - delighted to be "driving a car" with his big brother! |
TJ & Jon - happy to be playful |
Tyler laughing at himself for hamming it up for the camera |
Paul & TJ - my nephews |
Sweet, sweet Cal - my grand nephew |
Jodi - my friend laughing at playing Canasta in Tahoe |
Junie - Maroonie & Andy |
My parents - Betty & Cal - happy to be at the World Series |
Mark & Mr. B - (private joke) while boating in Tahoe |
Me & Jackie in Paris |
Even dogs have a lightness of being!! Especially if they live in Carmel! |
“Laughter is carbonated holiness.” ― Anne Lamott